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Club News

Dates for the Diary

Next Working Party Sunday 4th August 2024 - 9:30 am  
Quarterly Committee Meetings
Monday 7th October 2024 - 7:30 pm  

Sunday Working Parties

Sunday 21st July

Another good turn out of 5 members for the Work Party. This week the work focused on the area above and below Llay Road Bridge. Steve used the Brush Cutter to further improve access to the bank on the bend above Rossett Weir which now provides opportunities for those who want to fish without having to wade. Geoff used the Hedge Cutter to open up the footpath all the way from Rossett Weir to the footbridge. This path like many others on the river had become almost impenetrable in just a few weeks despite several cuttings already this season. Meanwhile Sean operated the Pole Saw in river while Kevin and David hauled away timber. One of this group decided that he would take a dip to cool off and then repeated the process a short while later! Some of the smaller trailing limbs and branches of the large fallen willow above the island were removed so there is now access to the pool above. Other sensible pruning was undertaken to remove obstructions at and below the island and this has opened up some more promising water. Once again all Club members will benefit from the hard work of this Work Party. 

The next Work Party is scheduled for Sunday 4th August at 9:30. It would be very good to see some more new faces then.


2024 Season

As of Monday 22 July the river had fallen back to 0.32 on the Pont-y-Capel gauge. This is after 2 rises in the past fortnight which once again limited fishing. A few members have been out fishing in recent weeks and have caught both brownies and grayling but have found fish harder to come by than earlier in the season. The forecast suggests that we will have settled conditions for the coming week which will be most welcome.
Please note that a very large willow has collapsed across the river just upstream of the island which is above Llay Road Bridge. Some work was done by the Work Party on Sunday 21st July to remove some of the smaller trailing limbs and branches which now allows for a view upstream and very careful wading access to the run and pool above this point. If you do not want to wade under the tree then you can access the pool from the wooden steps on the right bank a little further upstream. Help on the Sunday Work Parties is always much appreciated. 
Sunday 4th August is the next scheduled Work Party and we will meet just downstream of Llay Road Bridge at 9:30 am.

David Meadows (Chairman)

News from the Catchment

Work has started on an eel pass on the weir at Pont y Capel so there may be coloured water spasmodically affecting the river. The work shouid only take a couple of weeks, so fingers crossed.


Recycle Hub

A Recycle Hub has been set up on the Club forum.

The purpose of the hub is for members to recycle any old fishing or fly-tying equipment that that might be useful to other members who are either just starting out or wanting to try something without having to commit to buying it new at full price; or just to generously pass on something that is no longer of use to someone who might benefit from it for a small donation.

Funds raised will be utilised at a later date to introduce some local young people to fly fishing, fly tying and the river itself.

The hub is for Club members only and registration is required in order to access the forum. Please contact us via the E-Mail us page for any forum registration queries.

Please read the “Welcome to the recycle hub.” thread on the forum.

The forum can be accessed here